"A baby will make love stronger, days shorter, nights longer, bankroll smaller, a home happier, clothes shabbier, the past forgotten and the future worth living for."

Wednesday, July 25, 2012

Summer Days

There's only three weeks left until our summer comes to an end. Where did the summer go?! Landon will be starting pre-school and he is so excited. On top of starting school, he will also be playing soccer come next month. He sure is growing up. Landon is taking his role as a pre-schooler seriously. He was adamant about needing a backpack. He currently has three toddler sized backpacks that he uses for his toys, all of which are in excellent condition, but he wanted a new one for school. My sister and mom joined us on the outing to find him the perfect backpack. Landon found his bag at the very first store we went into. He saw it and immediately started jumping up and down saying he wanted the puppy backpack. The backpack matches a hat that I bought him from the same store a couple of years ago. He remembered the hat and had his mind set on having the matching backpack. He is so proud of his backpack and wanted to Skype everyone that night to show it off.

This summer has been very low key. We've spent our days outside having water balloon fights, playing under the sprinkler, and drawing with chalk. Landon can often be found outside dressed up as some sort of superhero. His latest obsession is Batman. He recently received a Batman mask, cape, and belt and has been wearing it every single day for a solid week now.
He's also learned how to blow up a balloon and he's rather proud of that fact.
We've gone to the beach several times and Landon has really enjoyed playing in the waves this year.
I'm a little sad to see the summer come to an end, but I am looking forward to all of the changes that will be happening this year.

Saturday, July 14, 2012

Mommy loves Landon!

Landon was being very secretive during his bath tonight. He has tub crayons that we draw with on a daily basis. Tonight he closed the shower curtain and told me that I wasn't allowed to look until he was finished. When he pulled back the shower curtain I saw this:

It was a wonderful surprise. I love when I see the hard work of teaching him his letters and spelling pay off. Especially when it is done in such a way like this!

Wednesday, July 11, 2012


The MOSH (Museum Of Science and History) has a preschool day every month. The admission is reduced and it includes a planetarium show. When I found out that they also had Sue on display (the largest, most complete T-Rex fossil) I just knew that I had to take Landon. We turned the trip into a mini adventure by taking a bus and the Skyway to get to the museum. Landon had a ton of fun and it was well worth the trip.
Standing by Sue
Digging for fossils

Landon loved the whale exhibit- we went back to it twice!
Landon was a little freaked out by the opossum. It was kind of surprising given his love for animals.
The day at the museum was a lot of fun and I can't wait to take him back.
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